Understanding Natural Preservatives in Cosmetics: The Role of PARFUM

Understanding Natural Preservatives in Cosmetics: The Role of PARFUM

In the quest for safer and more natural cosmetic products, many consumers and manufacturers have turned their attention to natural preservatives. Among these, the ingredient listed as "PARFUM", or "Fragrance" has garnered interest. This blog aims to demystify what PARFUM is, its natural origins, and why products containing it can still be considered preservative-free.

What is PARFUM Made From?

PARFUM, commonly referred to as fragrance in ingredient lists, is often a blend of various natural extracts. One notable example is Naticide®, a product made from a combination of vegetable-based extracts known for their antimicrobial properties. It is a clear, colorless to yellow liquid which is partly soluble in water and fully soluble in glycols and alcohols​​. This vegetable-based fragrance is known for its good stability, compatibility, and light sweet smell.

Natural Extracts and Aroma

The pleasant scent originates from its natural extract composition of almond and vanilla. These extracts are carefully chosen and combined to produce a fragrance that is not only appealing but also consistent with the product's natural ethos. The specific aroma makes it an attractive ingredient for various cosmetic products, enhancing their olfactory appeal while providing preservative benefits​​.

Natural Origin and Safety

Because "PARFUM" is derived from natural sources, this ingredient makes a preferable choice for consumers looking for safer, more natural alternatives. It complies with rigorous safety standards, showing non-irritant properties in various tests, including oral toxicity, primary skin irritation, and eye irritation​​. Its natural origin and the absence of synthetic chemicals contribute to its classification as a natural preservative.

Multifunctional Ingredient

Despite being labeled as a fragrance, this ingredient serves a dual purpose. It acts as a preservative due to its antimicrobial properties. Studies, such as challenge tests performed according to European Pharmacopoeia standards, show that it effectively prevents and reduces microbial contamination​​. This dual function allows products to be marketed as "preservative-free" while still benefiting from the protective qualities of natural preservatives like Naticide.

Market Trends and Consumer Preferences

The shift towards preservative-free formulations is driven by consumer demand for more natural and safe cosmetic products. Making this ingredient meet the demands by offering full-spectrum antimicrobial activity without the need for traditional synthetic preservatives, thereby aligning with the market trend towards natural preservation​​.

Antimicrobial Activity Tests

Numerous studies demonstrate the antimicrobial efficacy of the ingredient. For instance, the product shows significant activity against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, and molds, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus niger​​. These studies underline the preservative qualities of PARFUM, reinforcing its suitability for use in cosmetic formulations as a natural preservative.


The use of natural preservatives like Naticide under the INCI name PARFUM bridges the gap between consumer preferences for natural products and the practical need for effective preservation. Its pleasant scent, natural origins, and multifunctional properties make it an ideal choice for modern cosmetic formulations. By understanding the role and benefits of such ingredients, consumers can make more informed choices about the products they use.


  1. Why are products with PARFUM labeled as preservative-free? Products can be labeled as preservative-free when natural fragrances like Naticide® are used because these ingredients serve a dual purpose, adding scent and preventing microbial growth.

  2. Is PARFUM safe in cosmetics? Yes, when derived from natural sources, PARFUM is safe and effective in cosmetics, offering antimicrobial properties without the adverse effects associated with synthetic preservatives.

  3. How effective is this ingredient as a preservative? It has been proven to be highly effective in challenge tests, significantly reducing microbial contamination and ensuring the safety and stability of cosmetic products.

  4. What are the benefits of using natural preservatives in cosmetics? Natural preservatives like Naticide® provide antimicrobial benefits without the potential health risks of synthetic preservatives, meeting consumer demand for natural and safe cosmetic products.

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